Letters to Mozart is an original theatrical production written by award- winning children's book author/illustrator Kristin Joy Pratt-Serafini. It weaves together a collection of Mozart's best-loved arias to tell the story of his adult life through the eyes of Aloysia Weber, his former student and ex-lover, who left Mozart to become the highest-paid soprano in Vienna.
Photos from the Show
September 22nd, 2006So I finally got around to putting up some photos from the performance of Letters to Mozart in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Check them out in the Show section. This is me with some of my paintings and books before the second performance on Sunday, 6 August 2006.
More Kind Words From Stephanie Cowell
August 24th, 2006This is a charming book! It captures somehow the spirit of how very young Mozart was, and how exciting and new were all his experiences. The book centers around a series of fictional letters from Aloysia to Mozart as they knew each other and in the end a poignant one after he died. It makes her a little nicer than we generally think of her (will she ever be forgiven by posterity for running off with Lange?) but the hand-written letters, sloping this way and that on the page, are charming and the colors of the book are marvelous. It’s a really original work of love and a lot of skill.
~Stephanie Cowell (on mozartforum.com)
author of Marrying Mozart
Book Review
August 15th, 2006Kristin, what a lovely, tender, moving book! So real and full of life. Sherry Davis came to New York City to stay with me so we could both help out at the Mostly Mozart showing of the film In Search of Mozart and brought your book (Letters to Mozart) to show me. I am glad you showed a kinder side of Aloysia. The presentation, the writing, the slanted words of the handwritten letters…what a wonderful idea.
I was rather amazed to see the name of my novel in your book!
Thank you!
It is really…so lovely!
~Stephanie Cowell
author of Marrying Mozart
Mozart Art
August 14th, 2006If you check out the section of this site called Gallery, you will see that I just uploaded photos of all the paintings that were displayed in the lobby at the first production of Letters to Mozart. Two have sold so far, but thanks to the magic of the internet, I still get to look at them whenever I want…
Happy Anniversary to Mozart!
August 4th, 2006So…what do you get a guy for his 224th wedding anniversary? A large Italian villa? Kingship of a small island? A space shuttle? Alas, the best I can do is a great interview about “Letters to Mozart” with Sherry Davis, proprietor of “Chronicles of a Modern-day Mozartian”. She asked some very thoughtful questions, and I had a great time answering them.
Check it out:
Early Journal Thoughts
July 1st, 2006I was just flipping through my journal and came across this page from mid-October 2005. I was on an author visit trip to Kirtland, OH when I drew this. It’s the first place Mozart appeared in my artwork…
Website Review
June 28th, 2006“I was very excited to find
Letters to Mozart.
What a witty and creative interpretation that introduces modern society to Mozart through creating social relevancy and excitement…many thanks for your efforts on behalf of Mozart…”
~Sherry Davis
Mozart enthusiast
& creator of
The Chronicles of a Modern-Day Mozartian
Book Review
June 25th, 2006“I just wanted to let you know that I picked up your book the other day from the office. It is so incredibly beautiful. What a work of art! Thank you so much.
I sooo love your drawings of the characters. I almost think that a live performance could never do them justice. Have you considered making an animated film out of it all? I think it would be brilliant! You could overdub the singing onto the characters…. It might REALLY bring Mozart alive for children….
Just musing. Your work is VERY inspiring.”
~Keri Rusthoi
Founder of Emerald City Opera
Executive Producer/Artistic Director
Book Review
June 25th, 2006“I finished reading Letters to Mozart, and I found it stunningly beautiful, charming, informative, and a thoroughly delightful introduction to Mozart and his operas. I found the interweaving of actual people in the life of Mozart with the characters in his opera libretti whimsical and fun, perhaps even more fun for those familiar with the works of the composer than to a younger audience.”
-Lea Frey
Language Coach for the San Jose Opera